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Posted by on 2015/07/24 under Uncategorized

Hello again!!! So my question for today is: Has your girlfriend let you down? Or have you ever let her down. How did that feel? What if instead of going out with you sge chose to go out with her best friend? How would you fee? Annoyed,sad or disappointed? And why?
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and giving me answers.
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🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 🙂

12 thoughts on “Only for boys to answer (by not yet)

  1. marx says:

    Has your girlfriend let you down?
    Yup,b**** cheated on me.Twice.

    Have you ever let her down

    How did that feel?
    F***ed up I guess.

    What if instead of going out with you sge chose to go out with her best friend?
    Well sometimes she needs to hang out with her bestfriend rather than you.I needed to hang with my best buddy and chose to go out with him rather then my gf sometimes,bcs i missed him,and i thnik thats okay.

    How would you fee?
    I would understand her and her needs.

    Bro,u gotta chill,sometimes you just need to let her do things she wants,not what you want.Cheers.marx

  2. Somebody says:

    Everybody lets us down at one point or another. We let others down too. Relationships are hard and I do not understand them. There is love one year.. and next people have more hurt feelings than love.
    Well frankly, if I feel very possessive, I would just go out on my own and do something fun. If I feel her ditching is a routine.. I would rethink and look into the issue. And if things aren’t well, just take her out somewhere nice to have good time. By somewhere nice I mean what she likes and wants.

  3. not yet says:

    Thank you very much for answering my question. And by the way i am a girl. For the second or third time 🙂

  4. Some1Likeu says:

    Yes she did. Cheated on me with a guy from work. She left me, married him and he killed himself a year later.

    I have let her down! Made me feel like a peace of s*hit.

    Best friends are good if they are not full of poison.

    It would feel ok. There needs to be freedom and security in the relationship. With out it, it will fail.

  5. Anonymous says:

    My girlfriend promised me so many things, I think for a while she meant them. Our relationship was horrible because of her situation not her. She promised so much and I spent some of my best years hanging around waiting for these promises, when I could have been enjoying life instead of being miserable. After the waiting when she was out of her horrible situation when we she no longer needed my support she left me. I spent all my money, time, effort on her. I gave up my friends for her, my hobbies for her, my work suffered. I’m just a fool.

  6. not yet says:

    No you were not a fool. We were a man (i guess) in love. And not only you chose her but you also suffered for her. I don’t how real love feels like cause i’ve never had a boyfriend in my life but i think you really really really loved her.

  7. not yet says:

    *don’t know

  8. not yet says:

    *You were a man
    For once again sth is wrong with my phone

  9. JMaster says:

    My girl left me for other and said she’ll be back but never did so and your right she went out with my best friend but hey you cant always found love can you

  10. not yet says:

    Oh my God! That was horrible sorry if i brought you back memories from the past, which you did not want to remember 🙁

  11. not yet says:

    * must have been

  12. JMaster says:

    no sorry u didn’t

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